In 2012, the popular, worldwide used Bonopty® family got a new member – Bonopty® 12G. Incorporating all the benefits of Bonopty® 14G, and adding some all new features.
New, larger gauge gains access into the bone, even through thick cortical bone
Coaxial system facilitates multiple sampling, or treatment of lesions
Achieve excellent core samples with few crusch artifacts
Successfully sample somewhat sclerotic lesions
Secure sample in biopsy cannula during retrieval using Core Lock
Bonopty® Penetration Set 12G
Penetration Cannula with Stylet
(ID 2.5 mm, OD 2.82 mm, Length 10 cm)
(Diameter 2.45 mm, Length 12.7 cm)
Depth Gauge
Sterile, single use
Ordering information:
12-1272 Penetration Set 12G, 10 cm